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“When treating patients suffering with lower back pain, my goals are to keep the patient active and prevent further injury. The V-Force Flex helps give my patients the confidence they need to return to their activities sooner and is an invaluable component of my back pain relief system.” 


                                                                 - DR. MALTON A. SCHEXNEIDER

Owner, Back Pain Relief Center 

Dr. Schexneider, PT, MMSC
“When I first saw the brace I didn’t know what to think of it. This friend of mine had one and he was telling me how much better he felt while wearing it and how he could do everything he would normally do just with a more healthy feeling back and a more aligned spine. I tried it on for only ten minutes and could already feel a difference in how I walked and breathed. All around I just felt a lot better. It is definitely an inexpensive solution for a troubled back. I love wearing my brace to work everyday, and I would recommend it to anyone that is curious about it.”


"A brace turned out to be the only thing that would help me with my posture. I had a minor car accident in 2010 and that combined with too many years working in front of a computer screen had my back and my posture completely screwed up. My doctor even sent me to physical therapy and while the exercises helped I still ended up needing the brace. I can say for sure that a brace can help you improve your posture and reduce pain and soreness."


Patient Stories
"My name is Claire and I was diagnosed with scoliosis at age 11. I remember the tears falling down my cheeks when my doctor told me that I had scoliosis.  My curve was 36 degrees and kept worsening. I have been wearing my brace for about 3 years now and I do physical therapy everyday along with wearing my brace. I wear my brace for 18 hours everyday. I continue to go back to Children's Hospital in Columbus every 3-6 months. I have reduced my curve from 36 to 18 degrees. This is proof that when you wear the brace AND do physical therapy then you will see improvements."


"Back braces are indeed so beneficial. These enhance the healing process of the spine and helps in minimizing the patient’s discomfort. A back brace is a device that is designed in limiting the motion of the spine in cases of fractures or in post operative fusions. Thus, healing is fast tracked and enhanced. And of course, this helps in correcting posture, too. Thanks!"


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